Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

The More Things Change...

the more they stay the same.

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This was the house I grew up in until the age of thirteen. It doesn't look quite the same. The porch has been enclosed and the side entrance is gone. But it's the same exact color it was in 1967. I imagine it has been painted several times since then but the color must be pretty popular with the owners.

The Maple trees are enormous. I remember planting the seedlings and strapping them to sticks. There was one in each corner of the yard back then. All four remain. Our swing set was in a different place and the front yard was worn down in the shape of a baseball field. Perfectly manicured now.

Whoever lives there obviously loves the place. I'm glad. It holds fond memories for me. Sharing one bedroom with my three brothers and playing outside with the neighborhood kids til the streetlights came on...

I sat outside and thought of those days and smiled.

I also had a four hour lunch with friends who weren't at the reunion. All-in-all, a super day of memories.

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