Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

The Day After

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Time to come down from the high of the best day I've had in many, many years.

It was moving into their college apartment day in the city for Caitlin and Mike today, so the previous plans for my Aunt and I to spend the day with my brother and sister-in-law were scrubbed. I went over anyway to sit in the corner during all the hub bub to get my internet connection and weed through my 71 emails.

They let me stay after they left. I took a little stroll along their country road which has a cliff along one side going down to eighteen mile creek. The pictures I took came out looking like paintings. Very artsy, I thought.

It was nice to be alone for a while. Some time for quiet reflection on the events of the weekend. I felt a little numb. All of the anticipation that had built since I first posted the event on in 2009, picked out a date and got the ball rolling. And now it was over.

But the vacation was to continue...

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