...... all I had to

....  hand.  Sorry for the awful pun but I couldn't resist it.  I was going to brave the elements today but after hearing warnings of flying debris and unsafe motoring conditions I decided to stay home.  I considered going into the wood at the back of the house, but of course that could have been more unsafe than town.  As you can see I was low on inspiration and my chief photography assistant is quite averse to having his photograph taken so it was a case of the hands or nothing.

We had a bit of excitement this afternoon, which I could have done without in that a wren got into the house;  I've no idea how, as because we have a good amount of wildlife in the garden we're always especially careful about open windows and doors.  Anyway this adorable tiny wren was flitting about, landing on the bookshelves, dipping down behind the books, flying up onto the curtains then hiding behind the desk. Eventually a strategy evolved of sitting still and waiting for an opportune moment to swoop down and shoo it out of the door.  Thankfully it flew away none the worse for it's experience.

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