Harrogate Spring Quilt Show

This will be our 'home' for the next three days....

Slightly scary as Mrs madwill has taken out a trade stand at the Spring Quilt Festival at Harrogate Showground - running Friday to Sunday. Today has been 'setting up day’!

After I took Finlay away to our daughter's to stay for a few days whilst we are working, we loaded up the cars and transported a (small) selection of stock to Harrogate to set up our little patch. Fingers crossed for a good weekend. Blip comments may be few and far between - depending on how busy we are!

We had a slightly disturbing evening last night shortly after I had uploaded my blip. We had a phone call from our son to say he had been assaulted - and his mobile phone and keys were gone. So tea preparation stopped and we zoomed across Leeds to see him taking our spare key.

He had intervened in a situation where a car driver was racially abusing a taxi driver and kicking his car - basically yelling at the ‘f-ing Paki’ to go home. Our son started calling the police at which point the angry driver made a beeline for him and punched him, knocking him over, grabbed his phone and dropped it down a gutter drain. The taxi driver then drove off, despite our son shouting at him to call the police. In making his getaway the aggressor also tried to run over our son who just managed to get out of the way. He did eventually find his keys in the road and had let himself in. He had called the police from another phone - and they were there within the hour to take a statement, sadly the number plate of the getaway car appears to have been false. The only witness saw just the tail end of the assault and wasn’t able to help with the car details. The only CCTV around appears to be a pub and the cameras weren't pointing in the required direction.

After the police had finished we all finished up going for a meal - as out tea at home was not cooked! 

So our son is now out of pocket to the tune of a few hundred pounds (the cost of his new phone) for trying to be 'socially responsible'. Have told him to just let it ride in future...and maybe get his phone insured....

I'm guessing the taxi driver was not 'legit' and didn't want to be around when the police came.

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