
By adyclick


Back home after a fantastic holiday, but have just not had any energy or enthusiasm to go out and find a blip in this cold British summer. With all the washing and shopping and ringing round to let everyone know we have returned safely. So, I thought I would write to that lovely Italian gentleman I told you about at Villa D'estre. And I did, in fluent Italian, using that brilliant Google translate site.

I want to send him some history of Roman York in his native tongue so he can understand it, and also on a personal note, some prints of my drawings of our fair city, this is just one of them, a pencil sketch of York Minster as seen over the roof tops above Little Shambles. This was taken from a photograph I took from the top of M&S some years ago.

If I get stuck again, I may just blip a few more drawings and paintings of my work. I hope you like them.

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