Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

The Fairer Sex

The female Anna's hummingbird and her Costa's counterpart are almost indistinguishable from one another.  But I'm pretty confident this is a Costa's (the female half of Zippy).  I like this shot because I am seldom able to show this angle with the edges of the wings so still.
I finally got around to putting an ad in the local paper to sell Mom's car.   Apparently,  the ad popped up in the online edition before the paper was even published. I got a call from a man in Tucson who asked me to hold it for him.  He was sure he'd buy it.  Then he asked if would I accept cash. (Whew!  Who doesn't like cash?)  I got a good price so I was happy.  

I spent the better part of today notifying the Motor Vehicle Department about the sale and cancelling the tags, registration and insurance.   I'm so looking forward to getting closure on the whole driving thing.

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