"Is this a mine sweeper?"

The conference ended this afternoon at 4 pm. Our shuttle to the airport was due at 4:30, so a few of us walked over to the edge of the harbour. One of the ships of the NZ Navy was tied up just there. It has two zodiac fast boats on the back. My thought is that it might well be one of the boats used for fisheries protection. It is the HMNZS Taupo.

As we turned to leave, we were approached by the man in blue trousers and pink shirt, head protected from the sun by his white hat. He asked me the question that was clearly exercising him. I told him that I didn't know, but I agreed with hi  that it is part of NZ's navy. 

Obviously dissatisfied by my response, he then walked over to wher one of my colleagues from the conference was having a closer look, and began the conversation with the same question. Sasho didn't know either. 

It was a really good meeting, and I was delighted to have had the opportunity to listen once again to Professor Sir Mason Durie, one of New Zealand's most influential psychiatrists and Maori scholars. No matter how many times he speaks, I learn something each time, and today many colleagues said the same thing. I have much to think on for my new job in three weeks.

I have just looked up info on HMNZS Taupo, and found that I was on the right track. The Taupo is an inshore patrol vessel, designed for maritime surveillance.

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