
By tookie

Herons are Back!

Seeing the sad looks on the hooligans faces I broke down and took them to the dog park along the slough. I don't like going there alone much anymore for fear of getting run into by other dogs....R was judging a mock trial done by high school kids today so I relented and took them.  Thankfully I evaded some close calls and both dogs were thrilled to get out and RUN.  Cowboy even went into the frigid water and immersed himself all the way and doggie paddled across a small little "inlet".  He's not one to usually do that, but must have been hot from his running.  Or he just wanted to freshen up the smell from his recent grooming:) 
  I saw that the herons were back in full force getting their nests tidied up for the next batch of babies this year.  Afterwards I went to town for another book making class I'd signed up for...I got frustrated working on the book, but did finish...nothing stellar that's for sure.!  I can really more fully appreciate all the work that Nanna K  puts into the ones she does so beautifully!
    The Seattle Times ran a very interesting and uplifting story today about a 5 year old who with her mom's ingenuity re-created famous faces of Black history.  A fascinating read and images see here
     Extra of the two posing hooligans at the park.  The other is of the heron rookery nests to show how many are there! Next to get over there with my big lens on a good day!

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