Dear Diary,

When I was a teacher I emphasized the need to "play" with materials, techniques and ideas.  I always thought that this element of learning was seriously undervalued.  You can learn so much from play and often you have "happy accidents" that open up an entirely new way of approaching a problem. 

This is a series of four mixed media pieces I made awhile back and which now sit on a shelf in my studio.  I wandered out there yesterday to see how well the snow was melting in the garden.  I thought I would bring them in and photograph them.  A bit later I was reading my daily meditation and the inspiration was from a book by Suzy Becker called, All I Need to Know I Learned from my Cat. 

- Be Curious
- Make the world your playground
- Recognized the toy in everything
- Depend on others without losing your independence

I thought that was a perfect way to begin my Sunday!  Emerson, it turns out, has had the secret of life right in his paws all this time!  Wise little fellow!  Have a Happy and Playful Sunday!

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