
By Bigdreamer

Cracking good time

Today both girls were excited to be going to ballet, it has come to that time of the year where it is all concert preparations, trying on costumes and rehearsing the dance the fun stuff. Today I order the tickets and managed to get front row, girls were happy with this. Two concert time matinee and evening means a massive day for the little ones it means all day and night at the theatre, I am hoping the excitement wins out over the exhaustion. I have am backstage in the evening concert helping out, so will be able to keep an eye on two tired little girls at least.

We are making a fathers day chocolate and vanilla cake, Bailee was very proud of herself cracking the egg in the bowl with no shell!! This year is a fun good year all the girls understand the concept of fathers day and have made a present at school/kinder and hidden it under their bed for tomorrow. Little Lara told daddy last night :don't look under my bed I have your daddies present under there, and it is a secret.

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