mono monday

First poor nights sleep for a while.......still awake at 3.15, should have got up really :-/ Needless to say I was less than impressed when the phone rang at 8.15 and woke us up!!
It was our gp practice saying my blood test results were back and did i want to go in this afternoon!! I think I grunted my agreement :-/

Its been another grey and wet day......we decided on a walk to the nearest newsagents....the rain stopped so we walked a longer way back home. spotted this canadian goose by our lake, we seem to have quite a few at the moment. I thought this one fitted the bill for todays challenge, with his fanned feathers and fluffed up and all.

No sooner were we headed home, than it was lunch time, after a quick sandwich, it was time to walk up to the doctors for my appointment, had to ring and double check the time ;-) my well woman check was all good, bad cholesterol a tad higher than ideal but good, was very good, so no need for medication. I am going to make a concerted effort to reduce the bad naturally over next six months.........not a lot of wriggle room nut will see what i can do :-)

I spent the afternoon dusting, cleaning and hoovering, whilst hub was upstairs doing some email chores. Used the new speaker, cleaning to music, always helps :-)

I made chicken ham and mushroom linguine for dinner, rather yummy. followed by mango strawberries and a spoonful of creme fraiche :-)'

Looking forward to the new series of Broadchurch this evening.

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