Crittergator Scrabble!

And so it was that on this day, a hot game of Crittergator Scrabble broke out! It was well attended by a fancy, rockin' crew. Based on the party going on, you'd have thought it was Studio 54 in New York City, back in the day.

We had kangaroos, a blue hippopotamus, camels a-plenty, and a long-eared rabbit, just to name a few. Up front (left), a teal dragon bowed low before a green dinosaur: "Shall we dance?" That red snake in the lower center looks ultra cool - it almost looks like he has his Ray-Bans on!

I've included a bigger view of the full board in the extras, just in case you want to see the whole crew. Come on, join the party! The soundtrack tune: Madonna, with Where's the Party. Why, Madge, my dear, the party's right here!

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