Tiny Tuesday - Curlier than mine!

One thing you realise when you do macro photography is that there isn't anything much that's smooth or flat. And that includes the smoothly plastered and emulsion'd wall this 8mm fellow is perched on. 

I've no idea what he is, but he seems quite happy with his current circumstances, having been there a couple of days now. If someone identifies him and tells me it's something nasty his circumstances may change, but in the meantime...

The curlier thing is his eyebrows, or perhaps moustache, which if you look Larger you may see are white and curly. My moustache is getting there. And the vast Mount Rushmore style edifice to his left, well that's the carefully applied glasswork atop one of the doors downstairs! Well it looked smooth when I did it...

And while I'm in the mood for taking credit, I'd like to doff my titter to my two girls. My eldest has just passed another banking finance exam, while my youngest has just had her first scientific paper published where she's the primary author! Go read, it won't make any sense at all.

So, thanks to Wendy for hosting TT92. A tiny round of applause to all.

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