New, Modern, Brutal, and Grungy

Until two years ago the main north-south road in Sweden, the E4, ran right through Sundsvall, which you can see in the background. Then this bridge was completed, enabling the traffic to swish past Sundsvall without slowing down, and hopefully improving air-quality for the town's residents.
Viewed from above it is modern and smooth but seen from below, you can see the brutal strength holding up the structure. Where the bridge now launches out over the water a number of buildings were demolished and 24 months later the process of cleaning up is still ongoing. I'm doubtful about the beauty but it is impressive in its own way.
Yesterday's picture was classic winter, sun, snow, bright skies, but this picture shows a side of winter that is rarely photographed. The day is ending. Sleet is falling out of a grey sky. The ice on the water is grey and uninspiring. There are deep puddles everywhere because the snow is melting but the water cannot drain away through frozen soil and iced up road drains. The E4 road is deep in slush making driving hazardous. The road is viewed through a rain spotted windscreen and the sound track is wipers sweeping back and forth at high speed.
You won't find this side of winter featuring in any tourist brochures but it is a reality and if you want the blue skies and crispy days you have to accept some days like this too, which seems fair enough to me.
I suppose it's the same if you choose to live in areas like the Lake District, where the grey rainy days are also noticeably absent from the tourist brochures!

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