Hardcastle Craggs

Joanne and Deborah are both here today, and we've been out to lunch but before that I drove over to Hardcastle Craggs because I wanted to try another shot with the ND filters.  I knew the girls would arrive late morning so I was off as I often am very early;  even so because it's a popular place with hikers and photographers the car park was filling up rapidly as I arrived.

I parked up and got all my gear and set off  -  not intending to go far but I knew the spot I was going to head for.  I'd just found a flat rock, big enough for me and the tripod when another two people with tripods came into view.  They'd obviously got the same idea as me and I couldn't help but feel pleased that I'd got there first;  they continued along the path and I'm sure they would have found somewhere equally good before having gone too far.

Thank you  Bobsblips for hosting the WidWed challenge and thank you for the lovely response to my TT entry yesterday.

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