Wild Wednesday ....

When I was at the window this morning waving R off to work this was the sight that welcomed me!  My first chippy sighting of the year!

To say I was excited to see him/her is a definite understatement!  I pulled out my 'sightings' journal, which I use to record all my bird, etc. sightings and firsts, I learned that this is probably the earliest I have seen an Eastern Chipmunk.  Last year's first sighting was on March 8 and the year before that wasn't until June 24. 

I quickly went for my camera and got a few pictures, including this one.  Later on I was looking out and saw him/her completely out of his/her burrow .... see extra.  Since there wasn't much sunshine today the pictures were pretty drab so I have enhanced them a bit in Topaz Impression.  But he/she looks pretty good considering that he/she has spent the past five months underground!

Happy Wild Wednesday!!  It certainly was a happy one for me!

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