Three Years!

So it appears that today is my official third anniversary on Blipfoto.  As I calculate, this is coming up about a week beyond the actual anniversary date because after I reached 1000 consecutive blips, I told myself that it was OK to miss a day…and then I did, and then a few more, and I have to say it has been liberating.  I have a hard time posting a photo that I don’t feel great about and as we all know, some days are just more difficult than others.  

I spent this morning with my blip soul-sister, WRPerry and because it was very cold and windy, we finally resorted to a drive in the country where we found several farms with horses. Along the way we had a good catch-up and a lot of laughs.  I was using my 150-600mm lens to get a shot of this horse and it must have decided that I had food because it rapidly came over to the fence.  I had to back up quickly and avoid ending up in the road..hence the close-up. 

When I started this Blip adventure, I knew next to nothing about photography.  Now I know enough to be dangerous, as you can probably tell from this image.  One of the things that I have learned about myself during this three year experience on Blipfoto is that I love close-ups and the details that can be revealed.  I have a friend who is the nephew of Cornell Capa (Magnum Photos).  Cornell Capa’s brother was the very famous war photographer, Robert Capa who said  “If your pictures aren't good enough, you aren't close enough.”  I have taken this to heart, probably because I often don’t think my photos are good enough.  It is interesting that I have known this friend for over 30 years, but he never told me of his uncle until recently when he learned of my interest in photography.  

I am so grateful for Blipfoto and for the friendships, both virtual and real-life, that I have made.  The inspiration and encouragement that I find here on blip are so motivating and heartwarming. I never tire of seeing the awe-inspiring photos that appear here.  I am so grateful for all of you who stop by to look at my photos and leave me such lovely comments, in spite of the fact that I don’t always get the chance to reciprocate.  Please be assured that your visits and kind words mean very much to me.  

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