Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Which is my best side?

A squawk squawk squawk there was, heralding the swooping of a sulphur-crested cockatoo onto the power pole outside our house. A run run run there was, indicating the dashing of me to get my long lens, afix it to the camera, and rush outside. I was rewarded by this splendid theropod posing a bit for me, as you can see (largerer) here.

Nice day today, off to Windsor with parents, and wife and kids. The kids were in my parents' hire-car, so mrs tsuken and I had a rather restful trip. xP The cafe lunch was a bit sad though: either they've deteriorated or our tastes have improved. We think, honestly, that it must be at least mostly the former.

Edit/addit: there was a super-cool restaurant that went past us though... (and yes you read that correctly)

Lovely presents and home-made cards from the kids this morning, which, along with their beaming faces, made for a lovely start to the day.

Grumpy with my leg though. I need to give it a little bit more time off - though it is recovering more quickly than it had been, which is good.

Looking forward to a beautiful lasagne this evening courtesy of mrs tsuken, which will be about a million times better than lunch.

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