Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Here I Gooooooooo

Parents off home today :-/ Will see them again at Christmas - which is suppose isn't ages, but does feel it at this point. Of course, by Christmas, now will feel like yesterday.

After they left, the lad took his big bike out the front for a practice. He also asked me to bring my camera and take photos of him. I was, of course, happy to oblige. I chose a relatively narrow aperture, and set the focus so that anywhere within his riding circle he should be reasonably focused, and snapped a few pics. None were really fuzzy, but none especially sharp. However, I thought some were really quite good. This, as he came hooning out of the gate (having added a through-the-gate loop to his figure-eight outside), is my favourite. I think it came out ok despite being taken in a rush while stepping backwards - anyway, his expression really makes up for any deficiencies. ;-)

Larger here.

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