Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Hiding in mono - WildWed49

I met Mrs Mallard down on the river today, feeding frantically on weed while her mate looked on.  I think she must be building up to produce a family.  Male and female mallard markings (m..m..m..) are so unlike it always amuses me.  You have to say though, she'd be hard to see on her nest.

But it isn't until you go mono you also see how well she's camouflaged on running water - at least to any predator with poor colour vision, like dogs and foxes.  I thought those swirling patterns rather gorgeous.

Thank you so much to Cailleach for hosting WildWed, one of my favourite challenges.

Today as you all will know is International Womens' Day.  I am sorry to be unable to bring you anything better than a female duck.  In my defence, I am at least sitting here in a red jumper.

All the best.  Enjoy your evening  xx

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