Sunny sleeper

A quick iPhone photo today, I'm trying to just rest. I am still bothered by the lens artifact that's visible on the left side of my eye with that received the new lens. It feels sort of like a shadowy curved lock of hair over the eye. My eye surgeon told me not to obsess over it, that it will go away, or my brain will adjust, just stop worrying. Easier said than done for the hyper-vigilant type that I am. I notice everything according to T, things she would never even see. Old teacher, family habits hard to ignore I guess. I do need my reading glasses again and wearing them does lessen the sensation. My eye sees the familiar reading glass frame( I'm used to wearing them all the time) rather than the shadowy new lens curve. I do hope it goes away, but to have clear distance vision again is a miracle.

T is working from home, trying to keep me quiet and sitting rather than doing. I did sleep most of yesterday afternoon and slept well last night, so that is good for my stress level.

The new GOP Trumpcare health bill seems in the words of Nancy Pelosi, " Robin Hood in reverse". So many will suffer as the rich get richer. Everyday we have new nightmares with #45 and his gang of thieves.

For the Record,
This day came in with high winds and sun. Snow on the way for later tonight and tomorrow.

All hands wary

I hope to be back looking and commenting soon. I really appreciate this community during these worrisome times and I've really tried to engage again as I used to when I first joined in the spring of 2010. My global connections here are so important and soothing these days. xx

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