
By gennepher

A new dry iron...

...I had ordered online arrived today. It was the only dry iron I could find (for using with my encaustic wax painting of course) and it happened to be a travel iron. (Am still waiting to hear about the proper encaustic iron I had returned that was very faulty, but no matter I am managing with my household steam iron.)

I was out for blood tests this morning, and used my new mobility scooter but the speed dial broke so I gritted my teeth and took it back to the shop. But it meant I wasn't back home until 4pm. So that was me out of kilter because I basically needed a day at home today away from the cacophony of voices and sounds.

There was a note through the door saying a parcel had been delivered next door. So I picked up a small pot of tête-à-tête daffodils I had brought for myself, (the lady who had taken in my parcel is in her late 80's and gets lonely, so I knew she would want me in for a cuppa, but I couldn't face that at the end of this long day and trying to make out what she was saying), and went round. She asked me in, but I apologised saying I was too tired, but told her I had bought a couple of pots of daffs, one for me and one for her. Her face lit up, she was made up. I did have to go in her potting shed to find a yellow pot for the daffs because she said it was too cold for her to get it!

Anyway I am back home with my parcel, but it was so small I couldn't see that it would be my travel iron. The box was smaller than my outstretched hand. I opened the box. Out came this two pin plug attached to a long black lead, then out came a three in plug to plug the two pin plug in. Finally out came something that was supposed to pass as an iron...well, it looks like an iron, but it is smaller than the actual palm of my hand. What if you had an evening dress on holiday, it would take your entire holiday ironing the dress and then it would be time to come home.

So, this is the baby iron that never grew up...

That was a waste of £9 I thought...

So used my steam iron to do the basic background colour, and the trees and stuff, but the little bits of detail I used this dinky iron.


Dinky is actually very capable of doing fine detail. And very well. I love Dinky! I am still finding out what Dinky is capable of doing as regards encaustic wax drawing. But I am tired and need my bed. So this is what I have done today for my challenge to myself of my pic every day in 2017

By the way, the reviews on Dinky were one liked poor Dinky, they didn't think it was any good as a travel iron, but for what I want it for, it is perfect. I will be ordering another as backup (and as a companion for Dinky.....)

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