Lodge Farm Little Owl

I went for a walk at Lodge Farm this afternoon, it was mild and calm but grey. I spotted a bird of prey perched in a tree and was stalking it when a crow landed on the same branch and spooked it. :( I was delighted to find a little herd of deer.  (Extras) The young buck on the right looks like he is starting to sprout antlers.

Ever since I saw a little owl flying into the top of the old barn a few months ago I always look to see if I can spot it. I could see a grey blob with the naked eye and my lens has revealed the little darling staring at me from a distance. I was so pleased. :) Shame I can't get any closer.

Today's poem is There Are Delicacies by Earle Birney. http://exceptindreams.livejournal.com/69405.html

Nice to liken a woman to a fine watch but it was reading about EB's home town of Uxbridge Ontario that interested me most. Evidently The Littlest Hobo, a favourite of my children,  was shot there and the really interesting thing I read was that he had what is known as a reverse mask. Most German Shepherd Dogs have dark muzzles but he and another doggy hero of mine, Rin Tin Tin, had light, giving them a wolf-like look.

I also spent some time reading up on Birney's politics. He bought a house with a large pond and ten acres of forest in Uxbridge.

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