Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Living spaces

On a window near a metro station...

Thought I'd share a sad reality of life here... accommodation! Since 2007, rents have soared and got to ridiculous levels. At the time, it was because of a huge shortage of housing. Dubai's population had exploded - literally! A number of families had to split up (mum and kids return home, dad stays back to earn) and/or they could end up living like this to make ends meet... sharing apartments, or worst still, rooms. It's not nice. Now it is because landlord's have gotten use to the bigger income. We have a huge housing surplus, but prices haven't come down.

When I was growing up, we had affordable accommodation and families lived as units even if the space was small. Now, the price for a "bed space" is the same that my parents paid for a two bedroom flat!

At my last meeting with my landlord, he had suggested G & I get another person to share our flat. I said "no way" and asked him if he would have a stranger in his home. He was most put out by my question! I have no idea why he thinks I should when he's not prepared to himself!

Anyway, such is life. Glad I share my flat with a good friend rather than a paying guest. I know lots of people in my office - professionals even - wouldn't have been able to make a viable living here unless they shared with others.

I don't mean to paint a negative picture, but this is just the reality of too many lesser paid workers. Sunday over and done with; roll on the rest of the week.

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