Pussy Willow

Out for a walk in the watery subnshine in a sightly different part of the area this morning when we came across mass of pussy willows on a tree alongside the road. Very nice to see and it was buzzing with bees.

After lunch we trotted out to Skinners Sheds to try and move on Susan's studio project. We've changed our minds so much that we don't know where we were. A chat with a third salesperson at Skinners proved to be very helpful and so it seems we may be getting somewhere at last.

We were going to take Doreen out for the afternoon but the watery sunshine had given way to light rain scuppering those plans. I braved the rain of course to complete taking down the Red Robin in the garden - this is the space where the greenhouse will probably go whe the studio occupies where it is now. I also positioned and nailed three of the four battens on the edge of the shed.

Before dinner had a very pleasant FaceTime with Christoper and De' Shaun in sunny San Marcos in Southern California. He's been to Japan and continues to meander over the States with work. They've done masses to their house and have more plans in place for further improvements inside and out

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