
This building was amazing - so much dereliction all in one place.  It is an old pub and, over the years, I have passed it many times, usually on the way to see my mother.  I have often thought that I must stop and take some photographs but have never done so - until today.

I was, again, on my way to visit my Mum but deliberately went this way intending to stop for a few minutes.  I expected only to take shots of the outside but was able to get in and around it.  The building is in a terrible state and the vandals have been in with their spray paint.  I plan to return another time soon with a wide angle lens, tripod and perhaps a few props (beer bottles and glass maybe?)  This place must have some stories to tell and the scene of many a merry evening!  It has been abandoned for a very long time and I am surprised the developers haven't got their hands on it. a couple of extras of the site included too.

Mum was not at all well today but she is being well looked after at her care home and the doctor is going in tomorrow.

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