Petals and Pears

We've started walking the priest's dogs - took three of them today, as one we left behind last time cried pitifully at being left behind. They are NOT well trained, so it's exhausting trying to rein them in all the time - we've been madly reading up on walking dogs. One problem is they have harnesses rather than collars, so a lot harder to get them to heel. Plus, they are rarely walked; we feel sorry for them as they obviously need it. 

One way of getting noticed in the neighbourhood, anyway - though we're not desperate enough to take the pig as well...

Anyway, struggling with them is not conducive to taking a camera, so have been playing around with our fruit bowl and the zinnia I was handed on Woman's Day. Hoping it might qualify for Marcus' creative challenge, though a far cry from his Happily Haunted image - well worth a look.

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