Egrets Egression

I first saw a little egret from the deck of a yacht in the Bay of Fethiye, Turkey in the early eighties. I was excited, it seemed exotic. These members of the heron family came to the UK in 1989 and bred for the first time in 1996. Now they're everywhere.

I've noticed three of these birds on the edge of town poking around where the travellers' horses are tethered and have been meaning to photograph them for a while. I took the bull by the horns today. I knew I wouldn't be popular stopping on a main road. I poked the 400mm out of the car window. Every time I pressed the shutter a car sped past and I got blurs of various colours. 

I was sort of hoping that the birds might be cattle egrets, they're behaving like them, cattle egrets have now come to the UK. I've read that little egrets also like to keep company with animals. 

Today's poem is In My Craft Or Sullen Art by Dylan Thomas.

I love this. Written for lovers and for the love of writing rather than for financial gain. DT said, "I am a painstaking, conscientious, involved and devious craftsman of words." He was a favourite of my father. 

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