Doe eyes in the snow

Three deer were grazing at the edge of our woods out back this morning when we got back from my eye appointment. You can see two of the three in the extra photo as well.

I had many reassurances from my eye surgeon at the cataract surgical re-check appointment this morning. She firmly believes that the shadow, called Negative Dysphotopsia, that I see in the eye operated on will disappear. It can take time, I need to try to ignore it and be less anxious. I had an appointment in April with my regular eye doctor to see if I needed corrective lenses(I still need my readers) for distance. She told me she would see me instead and assured me that I don't need corrective lenses. My vision is perfect in the surgically corrected eye and I'm thankful to not need glasses. I'm used to my readers for years, so that is fine. My eye drop schedule has changed, one vial no longer needed and the others tapering off through the end of the month.

We now have a nightmare in the driveway to deal with. Our plowman timed his arrival poorly, coming too late. The snow had changed to rain and it was all mud and stone under the thin layer of remaining  driveway snow. He really didn't need to plow at all, but he did, plowing up mounds of mud now frozen. He has promised to return to help us deal with the mess, but it's so cold and everything is frozen solid today and for days to come. We are not pleased.

Thanks for all the good wishes, I'm trying not to be so anxious and trying to get used to the shadow and flicker when I'm working on the desktop or reading.

For the Record,
This day came in very cold with ice and a thin layer of frozen snow. Our snow turned to rain, so the accumulations ended up minimal, but black ice was a menace this morning on the roads.

All hands worried

Extras, deer, driveway nightmare

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