
By Beewriter

Fingers Crossed

I had to drive in the rush hour traffic this morning to get to work in time for my interview. Yesterday Sue asked me what I was going to wear and I told her it was going to be a bright red dress, 'really?' was her reply. Oh yes....I was going in red, I meant business. Red says 'here I am, look at me and see I am confident and serious about this'....well that was the image I wanted to portray anyway lol. 

I was nervous, but I answered all the questions. I will find out tomorrow if I have got it, but if I don't it isn't the end of the world and I made the effort to put myself out of my comfort zone. 

When it was over I made a quick change into my uniform and then we were off out on session. We were very low on staff today so it was a four bed session, but we had a lovely day. 

I am absolutely on my knees tonight and I can hardly keep my eyes open to finish typing this............


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