Misty morning

Although St Patricks Day started off fine and clear, by 7.30am it had clouded over and a mist hung in the air. Although it wasn't very wet it certainly cast a gloom over the day. Then about 11am the sun came out.

By then I was at the primary school swimming sports just over the back. My neighbours children swimming so spent a pleasant hour watching what seemed like hundreds of children having a go.
It brought back a few memories of my childhood. I held a swimming record for backstroke for quite a few years. My claim to fame.

Trev and I worked in the garden chopping things back ready to alter our vegetable garden and to build up the shrubbery garden along the back fence. Got more done than expected.

I have managed to take  the japanese anemones en masse to my satisfaction. Used the macro lens.

Thanks Biker Bear.

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