In my orange phase...

...yes I have an orange phase...well actually the truth is there are too many reds and oranges in children's wax crayons, so I am using them up on some larger canvases. 10 inch by 8 inch ones.

I wasn't doing too well holding the iron today to melt the wax and draw details with it (it happens when I have been out all day the day before, takes me awhile to recover) BUT I wanted to work with the encaustic wax painting today.

So I went in the garage, rooted through my old woodwork stuff and pyrography pen and tools. Could I use my pyrography pen to melt the wax and draw details? Or would it be too hot. Checked out online what wattage the encaustic tools like this were and they were 10 watts. My pyrography pen was 25 watts...sigh...I don't have a wattage reducer.

So I made a cuppa, and lightbulb moment. Heat up the pyrography pen, unplug it, and while it is cooling down use that for doing detail with the wax crayons.

Idea worked. I have a pile of ends for the pyrography pen which are perfect for doing detail on encaustic wax. So that was me a happy bunny!

Basically this canvas is an experiment. I did have some large poppies at the bottom of the canvas which I had spent an hour trying to do with the iron, but the looked wrong, so I swept the iron over them and it looked much better. You can see them if you enlarge and look hard!

So this is my pic for today for my challenge to myself for a pic a day every day in 2017.

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