But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


I had an appeal from Ms Next-Door last week, “Could I take a photi of Dug.” She had fairly specific ideas which I blithely agreed would be dead easy: black Dug in a coal cellar with a pair of bright eyes shining through the gloom. Alas, only one eye shows but I’ll claim that that is down to inflation and Brexit, she’ll get the other eye after IndyRef 2. I did a few test shots before they arrived, and had I looked at them properly, I would have noticed a wee problem; the black velvet, purchased especially for the occasion, and at great expense, was blocking out. I had assumed that it would be a solid black after processing and so wouldn’t matter. The bad news is that a black dug’s fur is blacker than cheap black velvet, so it did matter. Perhaps, if I don’t say anything, Ms ND won’t notice and I’ll still be able to charge her the full fee.

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