Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The Churchill Barriers

Despite the weather forecast for mist and heavy cloud, the day dawned fine and windy. We abandoned our plan to do indoor photography and headed south to the Churchill barriers. These are fascinating to see but not easy to photograph.

There are all sorts of bits and pieces to find. Here are two links in a heavy chain, attached to wooden blocks that were used to float on the water and from which submarine nets were suspended. I love the colours in the rust and the variations in texture provided by the wood fragments.

A stop in St Margaret's Hope provided the unexpected opportunity to photograph an obliging cat in an alley. Finally we stopped at a derelict house and barn which provided more than an hour's fun as the rain pelted down.

We have a dawn shoot so I have to get to bed asap. Sorry I don't have time to comment tonight.

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