Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Exploring Orkney

Our day began with a dawn trip at 0530 to the Ring of Brodgar. For the first 20mins, before the sun rose, it was fine, but as the sky began to colour up the rain fell. We all found different stones to shelter behind! When the rain stopped it was past sunrise but we had a good time finding the best angles for our images.

After breakfast we set out for the whole day. We spent some time on a windy cliff top and some time on a less windy shore. The rock formation in both places were amazing with some wonderful colours to capture. I was spoiled for choice for my blip but I've settled for a wide angle view of the rocks on the coastline. Best seen larger.

I am seriously tired. The forecast is for a a lot of rain and mist tomorrow so we will probably do indoor work.

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