One of Susan's tulips

Sunny day but with a cold gusting wind. I went swimming while Susan met friends in town for a coffee. I came to collect her at the same time as doing a bit of shopping.

We spend a cold but productive afternoon at the allotment. Continuing to dig the roots bed, weed the onions, garlic and broadbeans and finally lay down the matting to keep the strawberries off the soil then putting in 30 plants to join the 10 that are already there.

We enjoyed a very tasty macaroni cheese after those labours, half a butternut squash roasted with chilli flakes which was stuffed and baked with macaroni cheese made with (our own) cider and mustard in the cheese sauce. Very savoury.

Completely stuffed ourselves we rounded off the day with a 4 mile walk around the village in the dark. This week is the last of having to do evening walks in the dark for a while with the clocks springing forward at the weekend

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