Robbie or Bobbie?

I'm not too sure which robin it is because it looked different on each side. The pale feathers on the edge of it's wing weren't there on the other side which has confused me. Anyway nice to see they're still coming for the meal worms, even those it's been so cold and damp today.

I'm sorry I'm behind on visiting and commenting on journals, again. I will catch up eventually, so please bear with me :/

Skeena's final Mono Monday MM166
Next week's theme is split in two. Do one or the other. The first may need more attention so I have linked to some possible examples.
How to capture a portrait of someone without their face showing? Maybe suggest what they do or are all about.
There are links on Skeena's journal to other blips if you need inspiration for this.
This is open to interpretation! Either use what it says or take it as a free theme week. Just produce a lovely mono of something you've been itching to do.

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