Desert Bighorn Sheep

What an extraordinary day we had in the Valley of Fire.  It was so different from when I was there by myself in December.  This time my husband was with me so we were able to do several of the hikes and see such amazing red rock formations that can't be seen from the road. There were flowers blooming everywhere and the desert areas had a hint of green.  In addition, there were wonderful clouds that made the images so much more interesting.  As we were thinking about leaving the park, I saw this sheep up on a rock ledge.  I screamed stop, jumped out and went to the boot of the car to get my big lens. I have never seen these before so was delighted to see that there were actually five of them.  I couldn't get them to pose together in one shot ;-), so had to settle for this one and two others that can be seen in the extra. 

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