Frosty First Furrow

Another early walk with Finlay, out by 7:30 am! It was lovely and sunny, but still lots of frost about. Quite a lot to see, frosted leaves, alpacas back out in their field and this farmer just starting to plough a field. Then on the way back I spotted a molehill being built! It was on the path in the woods and it just caught my eye as it 'jumped'. Stood and watched for ages as it got bigger and bigger with each push from underground. No mole peeping out of the top though!

Home for shower then a walk to the post office in the village to send a parcel.

A quick catch up on blip, the after lunch I went off to south Leeds to take our son's dog out for a walk...he went to London very early to take part in the pro EU march and needed the dog letting out. I finished up taking her out for well over an hour..hopefully she will sleep until he gets back tonight.

I got back home about 4 and then our daughter and granddaughter called in to drop off Mother's Day gifts!

By the time they left it was time  to start tea!

17,500 steps so far today... it is going to be a long to see MIL on Sunday.

I need a rest....

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