Free parking

Parking at Auckland Hospital has long been a nettle, irritating the staff employed by what is now a District Health Board. There was never enough and the two car park buildings were both too late and too little when each was finally built. Auckland was the first hospital in Auckland to charge staff for parking, and parking became an issue in every employment agreement negotiations for most staff. Staff parking fees are much less than what the public pay, even if the fee is 50% more than what it costs at Waitemata. 

When I started here a week ago today, I got a parking sticker, and paid for a couple of week's parking. Since then I haven't used the car, or the parking I've paid for. Instead I have been cycling. Cyclists had had their bikes interfered with, damaged and stolen. Until the DHB provided this covered and secure place for staff to park their bikes; free.

Even today, when the forecast was for rain, I rode to the hospital, not in lycra, just my work clothes, and trying to look sedate. Because it was then in between showers. I had the same good fortune on the way home. Hoping for the same tomorrow.

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