Choosing Lego

It's been a busy day. Again!!
Miss E had a party first thing - Moana at the cinema (a private screening, if you please!!) followed by lunch at Pizza Express.
There wasn't time to go swimming beforehand so it was a more leisurely start to the weekend than usual. Well for Mr K anyway!
We planned to take Miss L to see Moana at the same time that Miss E was in her posh private screening and then take them both shopping after lunch. They've both got birthday money and vouchers burning holes in their pockets.
Not for the first time I'd forgotten that we now have a dog and can't just go swanning off for hours!!
So I stayed at home for the morning - keeping Archie company and lounging in the bath.
Mr K and Miss L enjoyed Moana and then went to M&S cafe for lunch. I went over to meet them all when it was time to collect Miss E.
Then it was shopping time! H&M first. It started off as fun - a lovely shopping spree with my lovely daughters flitting around the shop choosing outfits. Dozens of outfits!!
Then we got into the minuscule changing room and started getting stuck in dresses (which they insisted on trying on despite the clear 4-6 label!), squabbling over tops (because they'd brought so much in with them they'd forgotten which was which!) insisted they had to have horrific green camouflage dresses (nope!!) and it was less fun! I hate clothes shopping when it's just me squashed into the cubicle let alone when I'm in there with my whole family!
Eventually we had a yes heap and a no heap, paid for the yes heap and finally escaped into some fresh air. Miss E had insisted on a huge, baggy mohair cardigan that looked awful in the changing room - like something Pat Butcher would wear!! - but I must admit once we were out of the tiny room it did look good on her. And she loved swooshing around in it!
From H&M we went to the main shopping centre where we split up - Miss L and Mr K to Smiggle, Miss E and I to the Lego shop. After much deliberation they chose their goodies and we all met up again.
For Mr K and Miss L to head to ToysRUs and me and Miss E to head home. Annoyingly I realised on the way home that I had Miss L's ToysRUs vouchers so we had to rendezvous in B&Q car park.
Shopping's hard!!!
But they've got lots of lovely new things!

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