a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Flight mode: on

Tiny Tuesday: Flight Mode On

"It's scientifically impossible for the bumblebee to fly; but the bumblebee, being unaware of these scientific facts, flies anyway."

Mike Huckabee  (former governor of the State of Arkansas, campaigning for nomination during the 2008 United States presidential election)

Sadly for Mike, and happily for the bee, this seems to be a bit of urban folklore, or as we now call it "false news". What a terrible expression that is!  Fortunately for the bumblebee and the flowers it visits, the laws of physics do not prevent the bee's flight nor is there any clear evidence that scientists have ever stated that they do.

This was one of those lucky shots.  I was trying to catch the bee in flight, but you can only ever put yourself in the right position and hope that one of your shots will work, and I'm pleased to say this one did.  If it hadn't you would be looking at my extra instead, which I was going to entitle "three and a half".  I've no idea what this journal entry would have blathered on about in those circumstances :-o   

It is band rehearsal night tonight, so I won't be doing much catching up today I'm afraid.

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