
....home of the famous shoot out at the OK Corral! 
We had a great day wondering around Tombstone--we went through the old Courthouse, (where we found out the lady at the desk was originally from Milwaukee! Small world!), went into the old Bird Cage Theater, Boot Hill Cemetery, and watched a reenactment of the shoot-out between the Clantons and the Earps.  A little something different today for my blip. I don't usually do portrait shots, but it's much easier to ask someone if you can take their picture when they're in character, & this guy was! I asked him if I could take his picture and he said "why"? I said because I liked his beard, so he said sure, and that he liked it too. "Took me 11 years to grow it this long"!   My first extra is of a cowboy on a cell phone, who said to whoever he was talking to: "I'm in character and a lady's taking my picture because I'm using my cell phone".....the second extra is of the Earp brothers and Doc Holiday! The third is a wacky guy who didn't fit the "cowboy" mold, but he sure was colorful!    :)) 

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