Come into the Garden

By aprecious


Today I am mostly thinking about yesterday. Imagine waving lines at this point taking us back in time...

Can we have another dog like me? Please? Who might chase me a bit and occasionally bite my bottom? aprecious why did we go and meet another dog if we're not allowed one? I loved being with Molly the collie even if she didn't always keep up (she is 10 so she was a bit old) - maybe get a younger version, like me? I think we could have lots of fun!

She would keep me company when you swan off out and leave me! She would teach me to do really naughty grown up stuff like sitting at the roadside and that? I could look up to her and aspire to be like her?

What do you mean over your dead body? What do you mean am I trying to send you into an early grave?

Two of these photographs were taken yesterday - I wonder which two? I would have put them in the 'folio but can't whilst on holiday so I hope you will forgive me this - what the Scottish call - 'wee cheat!'

We had a lovely time yesterday meeting Ann and Molly even if it was a misty moisty day!

And today we will walk to Nanjizal - put this into google. And gorgeous it will be too. Sun's out, and the bags are packed for a day at the beach!

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