Female Rufous Hummingbird

I relaxed much of the morning, still recovering from my cold. It's not a bad one but it does suggest quiet times and rest. At 12:30 my friend Carroll came over and we took off for lunch at Pho 99. I like the food there. We had lots to talk about and spent quite a bit of time jabbering together. 

After lunch we went to Silverado to visit with Arvin. He was in a mellow mood and soon recognized Carroll. There were hugs around and then we walked a bit both inside and in the large courtyard in the middle of the large rectangular building. We ended up in the front lobby where a fellow was playing a 12 string guitar and singing. We enjoyed his singing and sang along on quite a few of the pieces he played at his suggestion. It was fun.

Carroll had to get home so we left before dinner and she dropped me off before heading back to her place to tackle a task she is working on. I picked up the mail and fed the kitties when I got inside. They liked that. Now I'm relaxing and soon will watch some more Heartland. I'm hooked I admit. I'm only on Season 4 and currently they are doing Season 10. I heard on Facebook that they are scheduled for Season 11 next year. Works for me.

I had a nice conversation with my brother Steve today. Yesterday I talked over an hour with a close friend who lives in New York State. Ruth was my boss a very long time ago when I was a teacher at IBM. Now we have other things in common to talk about. It makes me happy to still know and be friends with my former IBM boss. She is a good gal and I'm glad to know her and to be friends.

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