A Class Act

So today was Asha's pretend birthday...her mini classroom party! We wanted to make the day special, so when she woke up she discovered a beautiful (in my opinion!) unicorn balloon by her chair - she LOVED it! I've added a blurry (but I like it) extra of a happy Asha plus 'Sparkle Shimmer'.
Mid morning Danny & I took all the birthday stuff in, cake, snacks, party bags etc etc... It was so lovely to see Asha with her friends & hear her chattering away in Spanish. We sang happy birthday in English & Catalan...the kids ALL blew out the candles! I loved this pic of the kids agog at whatever Danny was saying! Ha! 
I feel so grateful for Asha's teacher - she was just so kind & helpful...she lives near us & said if there's anything we ever need, or if she can help out with Asha, to just ask - "we're neighbours!" Even gave us her address & made sure we knew exactly where her apartment is. Could you imagine that in the UK?! How many rules & regs something like that would cross?!

Then straight home to see the home birth midwife...she won't class me as late until I'm 40+15...really hoping we don't get that far along!!
Then coffee in San An with one of the UK bosses...
Then home - Reading class for Asha...
Then Asha & her friend back here to play, and a natter with the friend's Mom...

It's been a good & full day...and my feet are paying the price!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha's enthusiastic & appreciative nature! Every little detail she delighted in...from the flamingo straws, to all her friends being with her, to the cake, to the dotty table cloth...! 
2) Susi the teacher - what a gift that woman is...what a privilege for those kids to have her. We spent about half an hour just nattering with her, about life, the island, her family etc etc... Lovely to get 'personal' with her.
3) An amazing tea of sushi - salmon, avocado & mango! YUM.

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