Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I'd had a fiddly day wrangling words and numbers into a document that had to be just so, so it was good to have a chance to head up onto the moor for a bit this evening, while the kids were in their youth group.

Up at Hope Farm lambing season is well underway, as today's image and extras show. I like the one on the right with the hyperactive tongue. Or perhaps they just enjoyed licking their nose.

The sun was going down giving some dramatic light down Airedale and across to the Worth Valley (extra) so I decided to head up to the trig point for a 360 view. Once there thought I'd just have time to head over to Sconce to see if the Barn Owl about. It was, but I only got distant views as I was clambering down the side of the moor.

Today's image reminds me of a time when I was sitting quietly in an auntie's house while everyone else was chattering on, aged 5 or 6 or so. "I think the cat's got your tongue," says auntie. At which point I innocently poked my tongue out to show that it hadn't. That didn't go down well.

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