Day to Forget

I don’t often resort to screen shots for Blips, but today was a bit of a blank spot. Not only did I have to do a lot of work under pressure - not ideal on the first day back after a nice break - but the washing machine has broken down.

So I have a pile of very smelly clothes from my trip which can’t be washed, and a repair to organise while trying to keep on top of the day job. 

Tomorrow won’t be much better.

Twitter often provides some humour in these situations, so I found my Blip.

For those not in the know, the Scottish Parliament voted for an independence referendum on Tuesday and May served Brexit papers on the EU on Wednesday. Scotland’s FM issued her missive to London today after getting (easily) the majority vote in Parliament on Tuesday.

N. Ireland’s turn tomorrow, and Gibraltar is waiting in the wings.

The Welsh are slow to anger, but they seem to have realised (a little late) that the loss of all EU farm subsidy plus 40% tariffs to sell Welsh lamb etc into the EU from the outside, isn’t a good business model. Of course that assumes it would be possible to export it into the EU without an agreement on certification of the produce... and it might go “off” while waiting to be inspected at the EU customs post in Calais.

Alarmist? No. I’ve been on the outside looking in when I worked in Lithuania in the 90s.

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