*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Win or lose, sink or swim

One thing is certain we'll never give in

I was trying to think of a funny frog pun to go with this photo but wasn't able to get Paul McCartney out of my head. I hate that song too but suddenly the lyrics seemed quite apt hehe.

I've had another mass clear out today. To say my flat is quite minimalist, it still seems to contain a helluva lot of crap! Loads of stuff has ended up in the recycling bag and another big bag (mainly of books) for the charity shop.

I came across this classy ornament as I was sorting - it was a gag gift from Lurky when he went to watch the cricket in Scarborough last year. We've always had a strange thing where we buy each other tat from wherever we go. It's daft but I'm in no rush to stop it. This made me laugh last year and it made me laugh when I found it again this afternoon :)

P.S. A clever frog pun will probably pop into my head in the middle of the night.

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