Put the bunting out

Bailey was the first up today with a trip out to the garden at a quarter past six. The surfers followed soon after and were in the water by half seven and the bestest friend ran whilst Bailey and I stuck to being the lazy ones.

The camera had not revived itself overnight so, once everyone was back and breakfasted, we headed over to Truro to try and find two camera shops that had both closed. Luckily, the official Bailey sitter's googling was more efficient and we found one that was still in business. A phone call confirmed that there was a replacement in stock and they were the loveliest people when we got there and were prepared to just sell me the camera body. It felt serendipitous all round as they had only recently got the camera in. Definitely worthy of a bunting celebration.

A bit of other shopping, lots of browsing and lunch before we headed back via Perranporth to scope out a future trip.

And tonight the bestest friend has cooked a fab Sunday lunch for Monday tea as yesterday was just too good a day to miss. Every bit enjoyed by us all and Bailey too who had more than his share of chicken and chased the roasting dish around the kitchen floor.

All in all another good day and one in which no-one got wet and nothing was damaged beyond repair.

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